lundi 16 novembre 2015

Sad day

I don't want to do politics or to talk about religion, but i think it's important to talk about what happened this friday 13th.
i know this world, our world, isn't perfect. Humans are not perfect to, and forntunately cause on otherwise we would have nothing to learn from each other... But i have a question, a single and simple question (without real answer i know):
How can someone do that ?!

My goal is not to create a debate, but i just would like to say that someone who can do this, is no more human in my opinion..

Despite the fact that we have to wait such horrible actions like these ones, i'm proud to see that the world can still unite to fight.

2 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for publishing your thoughts and feelings on the matter Matthieu, it's interesting to hear directly from those experiencing it in France. I'm one of Simon Ensor's connections and exploring the blogs he has posted on flipboard.

  2. i'm "glad " to share my opinion on this subject, even if in this cas i'm just a spectator of these acts and i can do nothing more usefull.
