mardi 17 novembre 2015

M1 Project

Today i want to introduce you one of my project for my studies.
Indeed in our 1st year of Master we have to direct a project around the sports world like product, service, or event.

We are two students working on this project, my mate Noëlla and I. We decided to work on the theme of hiking and more specifically hike for children.
Be honnest, for everyone, hiking is not a very exciting sport and more for children. This is why we thougt to creat an application (and website) to make this activity more attractive for them and of course also for parents.

We want our application offers some informations about culture, nature or even patrimony but we also want to creat a fun application with games, animations, themes on Gallic or fairy tales why not :)

Our goal is to give people and especialy children want to practice this sport and create a real community of hiking.

I hope we can bring this project to the end.

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